Monday, March 5, 2018

Glorious Prawns

A tangy and succulent prawns that's perfect for any season. I added some fried spinach leaves when I serve it.

1/2 kilo prawns ( cleaned)
1 onion
5 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon peanut butter
2 tablespoon soy Sauce
1 tablespoons lemon or calamansi juice
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 cup water (Add if necessary)
salt and pepper to taste
Spring onion or spinach for garnishing

1.  Saute the garlic and onion then add the prawns and allow to simmer for a  minute or until the color changed.
2. Add the lemon juice, honey and soy sauce then simmer for a minute.
3. Add the water, salt and pepper to taste then simmer for 2 minutes.
4. Add the peanut butter and give it a good stir until fully mixed then simmer until done.
5. Garnish with spring onion or spinach then serve it hot.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sauteed Corn and Spinach

The fresh juicy corn is very delicious to prepare for this dish, mmmmm creamy soup that is perfect to sip during rainy days, combined with fresh spinach that adds freshness to the taste of this delicious vegetable dish.

2 corn
2 cups spinach ( can be replaced with any green leafy vegetable)
1 onion
1 cup fried fish ( chunks)
salt and pepper to taste 

1. Slice the corn thinly then set aside.

2. Saute the onion, then add the fish.
3. Add the corn and simmer for 2 minutes then add water that's enough to make the corn tender.

4. When the corn is tender add the spinach , salt and pepper to taste, simmer until the spinach is cooked then turn off the heat.

5. Serve it  hot and do not forget to smile :-)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Costela com Grão de Bico

Costela com grao de bico  ( Beef ribs with chick pea). Muito delicioso.

1 colher (sopa) de azeite
1 e 1/2 k de costela de boi,
1 folha de louro
2 dentes de alho espremido
1 cebola cortada em pétalas
2 cubos de caldo de picanha
4 xícaras (chá) de água fervente
 4 colheres (sopa) de extrato de tomate
2 colheres (sopa) de cheiro-verde picado
2 xícaras (chá) de grão-de-bico cozido e escorrido

Modo de preparo:
1. Em tigela grande, coloque a costela e tempere com o louro e o alho. Reserve por 30 minutos.
2. Em uma panela de pressão, aqueça o azeite em fogo médio, doure a cebola e a carne. Reserve.
3. Dissolva os cubos de caldo de picanha na água, misture o extrato de tomate e junte com a carne reservada.
4. Tampe a panela e cozinhe em fogo médio por 35 minutos.
5. Retire a panela do fogo e reserve até sair todo o vapor. Abra a panela e verifique o cozimento. Se necessário termine cozinhar com a panela destampada.
6. Misture o cheiro-verde e o grão-de-bico. Coloque em uma travessa e sirva com arroz branco.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Ginisang Tahong

Isa sa mga lamang dagat na mayaman sa protina at omega 3 ay ang tahong, bukod sa masarap ay madali pang lutuin. Kahit simpleng luto lang dito ay masarap na, tulad nito.

Mga sangkap:
1 kilong laman ng tahong
1 sibuyas ( hiniwa ng pino)
3 butil ng bawang (dinikdik)
2 kutsarang butter o mantika
1 kutsarang luya (strips)
asin at paminta ayon sa iyong panlasa

Paraan ng Pagluluto:
1. Igisa ang bawang at luya hanggang medyo matusta saka idagdag ang sibuyas at ituloy ang pagigisa hanggang sa lumambot.
2. Ilagay ang tahong at patakan ng asin at paminta ayon sa iyong panlasa at haluing maigi, takpan at hayaang kumulo ng 5 minuto o hanggang sa maluto.
3. Hanguin at ihain na mainit. :-) 

Pwedeng lagyan ng dahon ng sibuyas kapag ihahain na.

Para maalis ang laman ng tahong, ay pakuluan ang buong tahong at kapag naluto na ay isa isang alisin ang laman.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Masarap Na Ginisang Pechay

Ang pechat is isa sa mga pinakacommon na gulay sa Pilipinas. Maraming mga potahe na pwedeng ilagay ang pechay lalo na sa mga may sabaw. Pero masarap din itong igisa tulad nitong niluto ko na madali lang gawin pero masarap.

Mga Sangkap:
1 kilo pechay
1 butil ng bawang (dinikdik)
1 sibuyas(hiniwa ng pino)
2 kutsarang mantika
100g giniling na baboy
250g hipon
asin ayon sa iyong panglasa

Paraan ng pagluluto
1. Igisa ang sibuyas at bawang, saka ilagay ang giniling, sangkutsahing maigi, ilagay ang hipon at haluin, kapag  medyo luto na ang hipon lakasan ang apoy at ilagay ang pechay.
2. Lagyan ng asin ayon sa iyong panglasa, haluin hanggang sa maluto.
3. Hanguin at ihain.

Pwedeng lagyan ng paminta.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Pan Seared Pork Tenderloin

Today, I prepared a seared tenderloin very simply but very yummy. My husband liked it so much.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
500 grams pork tenderloin ( slice to your desired size)
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon lemon or calamnsi juice
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons oil
salt and pepper to taste

1.In a mixing bowl put the meat slices then sprinkle it with lemon juice, soy sauce, salt and pepper.
2. Heat the oil, then put the tenderloin slices and sear it.
3. When almost done,  add the butter and continue searing until done.

4. Serve with a big smile :-).

I made a Thai red curry rice to pair with this tenderloin and sprinkle it with hot sauce, it's a perfect combination.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Banana Da Terra Caramelada

Banana da terra, this kind of banana is popular in Brasil, if you are a Filipino and craving for a banana called "saba" which is very difficult to find in Brasil, this banana da terra is a good option.

3 bananas-da-terra (sem casca)
3 colheres de sopa de açúcar
1 colher de sopa de manteiga
1 xícara de água

Modo de preparo
1.Junte a água, o açúcar, a banana e a manteiga numa frigideira e banana.
2.Tampe a e deixe cozinhar em fogo brando.
3. Logo que estejam cozidas, retire a tampa e aumente o fogo, deixando-as levemente carameladas de todos os lados.
4. Agite a frigideira constantemente para evitar que grudem nela.
5. Retire e sirva. 

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