Friday, January 12, 2018

Banana Da Terra Caramelada

Banana da terra, this kind of banana is popular in Brasil, if you are a Filipino and craving for a banana called "saba" which is very difficult to find in Brasil, this banana da terra is a good option.

3 bananas-da-terra (sem casca)
3 colheres de sopa de açúcar
1 colher de sopa de manteiga
1 xícara de água

Modo de preparo
1.Junte a água, o açúcar, a banana e a manteiga numa frigideira e banana.
2.Tampe a e deixe cozinhar em fogo brando.
3. Logo que estejam cozidas, retire a tampa e aumente o fogo, deixando-as levemente carameladas de todos os lados.
4. Agite a frigideira constantemente para evitar que grudem nela.
5. Retire e sirva. 


  1. I don't understand the language you posted it in. Please post the recipe in English. Thanks!

  2. 3 bananas (unpeeled)
    3 tablespoons of sugar
    1 tablespoon butter
    1 cup water

    1. Combined water, sugar, banana and butter in a frying pan.
    2. Cover and simmer.
    3. Once they are cooked, remove the lid and increase the fire, leaving them lightly caramelized on all sides.
    4. Stir the frying pan constantly to prevent it from sticking to it.
    5. Remove and serve.
