Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ginataang Alimango ( Single Serving)

Alone and craving for crab. I was  too shy to tell the vendor that I only want 1 crab :D, but at last I was able to opened my mouth and yes! The vendor allowed mo to have just 1 crab. Thank you! I said to him smiling :-) .
If you want to cook or few persons, just adjust the recipe.

1 crab ( cleaned )
1 tablespoon ginger strips
1/2 onion
1 cup pure coconut milk
some spring onion
salt to taste

1. In a pan put the crab, onion, ginger and salt then cover over medium heat, once the crab turned reddish, add the coconut milk and simmer until cooked.
2. Add the spring onion then serve it hot.

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