Friday, January 31, 2014

Molo Soup ( Filipino Wanton Soup)

Molo soup is made of ground pork wrapped in a wanton wrapper then cooked in a broth or water. A delicious treat for the whole family specially during rainy days. Originated from Molo district of Iloilo city.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
12 pieces molo wrapper or siomai wrapper
1/4 kilo ground pork
1 carrot (minced)
1 onion (minced)
3 cloves garlic
6 cups chicken broth  or  water.
salt and pepper to taste
spring onion

1. Combine the ground pork, onion, salt and pepper then mix well ( reserve 1/4 cup of the mixture then set aside)  wrap the remaining with the molo wrapper, after wrapping set aside. If there is a leftover from the meat mixture you can add it to the one that we reserved.
2. Saute the garlic then add the 1/4 cup of the meat mixture and continue to saute for a minute.
3. Add the chicken broth or water and bring to a boil, add salt and pepper to taste.
4 When it is boiling, add the molo and carrots,  continue to simmer until cooked then turn off the heat.
5. Add the spring onion and serve it hot.