Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Milkfish in Olive oil (slow cook)

A mouth watering dish sent to me by my friend Wildvine, looked so tempting, making my tummy grumbles and my mouth salivate :-). I will try this recipe soon God willing. Thanks Wildvine for sharing this.

2 milkfish -Dressed and cut according to your desired size (salted and peppered)
10 pieces Cherry tomatoes
Olive oil enough to cover the fish and tomato or any oil available in your pantry
2 pcs. Of bay leaves (laurel)
 1.5tbsp. salt
1/2 tbsp. pepper
Half an onion (julienne)
half of Bell pepper.

Put all the ingredients in a glass baking dish. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven for 3 hrs. in 350F. Make sure your milkfish is a little bit salty since oil make the salt wash away from the fish. I will suggest salt and pepper the fish inside and out, half hour before you bake it. Enjoy it with steamed rice or fried rice.

Contrinuted by Wildvine

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