Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sarciadong ulo ng Isda ( leftover)

Today I recycled the leftover from the refrigerator, fried scrambled egg from yesterday's breakfast and fried fish head from last night's dinner. Since the fish head is big enough for 3 persons I decided to make sarciado so that we can have sauce for our rice and not too dry to eat.
I sauted the garlic and onion then add some tomatoes and 2 cups of water then I put the fish and simmer until it is tender and absorbed the spices, then I added salt and pepper to taste, then chop some spring onion and put it together with the egg, I simmered it for a minute then its done!
Ready to be served!

Don't waste food!! It's part of God's blessings. Learn to recycle the leftover.

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