Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kung Pao Chicken Filipino Style

This dish originated in China, kung pao means being stir fried, I made this Filipino style to suit my taste.

   1/2 kilo chicken breast ( cut into chunks or cubes)
    2 stalks spring onion ( chopped)
    2 tablespoons oil
    1 tablespoon chopped garlic
    1 tablespoon ginger strips
    1/2 cup peanuts
    1 tablespoon Calamansi juice or lemon juice
    1 teaspoon vinegar
    2 tablespoons soy sauce
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    1  tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in 4 tablespoons water
     chili powder according to your taste

1. Marinate the chicken with  calamansi juice, soy sauce and chilli powder, then set aside.
2. Meanwhile, over high heat saute the ginger, then garlic when its brownish add the marinated chicken until 80 percent cook, stirring occasionally.
3. In a bowl mix all the ingredients for the sauce: vinegar, sugar, chili powder and dissolved cornstarch then pour in to the chicken, and continue stirring until the sauce thickens and done.
4. Add the peanuts and spring onion stir well until coated.
5. Serve it hot with rice.


  1. thank you for this recipe, I been wanting to learn how to cook kung pao ckn. im going to make this to nite for dinner.

  2. Miss Mely can you also share your recipe for General Joe ckn, and your orrage ckn. thank you so very much

    1. Thanks for dropping by, here is my orange chicken, gen. joe coming soon. :-)


