Saturday, March 30, 2013


This is very related to the ginataang bilo-bilo of Luzon, but the Visayan version has "landang". Landang is a lumpy starch from palms, it gives the binignit a sticky texture and adds flavor. Have you used landang before? There are different colors of landang, I used the brown one.

1 cup glutinous rice powder ( mixed with water and form into small balls)
1 cup landang ( washed thoroughly)
3 cups water
2 bananas (saba)
1 piece small cassava ( kamoteng kahoy)
1 purple sweet potato
sugar to taste
3 cups thin coconut milk ( hindi kakang gata)
1 cup thick coconut milk ( kakang gata)


1. In a pot put the water and landang, bring to a boil then simmer until cooked do not forget to stir every now and then.
2. Add the thin coconut milk then bring to a boil, when boiling add the cassava and simmer until tender. Add the sweet potato, banana and sugar then simmer until cooked.
3. Add the thick coconut milk and simmer until done.
4. Serve with a smile :-)

You can add sago, young coconut meat, etc for this recipe

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