It is Sunday and I want to serve the kids at the church something sweet for a snack and at the same time something that they will love and enjoy to eat by involving them to do it with me. I let them choose what they want to put in it with some sprinkles or strawberry syrup and everyone likes the strawberry syrup to go with it. Here is the simple recipe of strawberry cookies.
2 cups flour
2 tablespoons strawberry syrup flavor
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1. Sift the flour, sugar and baking powder.
2. In a mixing bowl mix all the ingredients thoroughly until you form a firm dough.
3. Spoon a portion from the dough and flatten a little then place in a baing sheet.
4. Preheat the oven to 170 degree Celcius then bake the cookies for 10 minutes or until done.
5. Serve it with a smile:-)

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