Monday, January 16, 2012

Stir Fried Sprouted Beans

A delightful dish that will satisfy your hunger :-). Stir fried sprouted beans is pefect specially if you want to eat less rice. Easy and quick to prepare, doesn't it sound good? I love sprouted beans since I was young :-) Stir Fry means cooking in an intense heat making the ingredients to be cooked quickly making it crispy and juicy. This a good method of cooking vegetables to retain the natural color and freshness. Try this recipe.

1/2 kilo sprouted beans (togue)
1/4 kilo shrimps
1/4 kilo cabbage
3 cloves garlic
1 carrot
salt and pepper to taste
spring onion for garnishing

1. Saute the garlic, add the shrimps and simmer for 30 seconds then add salt and pepper.
2.  Increase the heat for stir frying then add the carrots and sprouted beans, stir fry for a minute
3. Add the cabbage and continue stir frying for around 2 minutes.
4. Garnish with spring onion and serve it hot.

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