Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chayote with tuna

The word chayote is a Spanish derivative of the Nahuatl word chayohtli, but this  vegetable is originally native to Mexico and has been introduced worldwide. Costa Rica is the number one exporter of chayote to European union while Veracrus (located in Eastern Mexico) is the main exporter of chayote to United States.
When I was in Bangkok, Thailand it's not only the fruit of chayote that's eaten but as well as the leaves and stems, if I have a chance I will post that recipe here. But for now here is a chayote dish that I wanna share.
2 chayote or chuchu (sayote)
1 can tuna
1 small size onion

1. Saute the onion add the tuna simmer for a minute
2. Add the chayote then simmer until it is cooked
3. Serve it hot and with rice.

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